Our business is based on integrity, transparency, professional service and clear communications. We have been working in the marine industry since 1983.


Resident: Chile / USA
University: Engineering
Languages: Spanish and English
DOB: May 26, 1954
Status: Married (Somira Sao) with 6 Children (Tormentina, Raivo,Pearl,Tarzan, Jade & Atlas)

North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Tasman Sea, Complete Southern Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Panama Canal, North, Central and South Pacific, North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, South China Sea, Chilean Fjords, Magellan Straits, Beagle Channel, Drake Passage, Le Mare Strait, Cape Leeuwin, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Horn, Great Australian Bight, Bass Strait, Cook Strait, St Helena, Complete Coast of South America

Circumnavigations: 2
Solo Voyage: Bermuda to Bermuda via 3 Capes East about, Cape Town to Cape Town via Southern Ocean, Auckland to Cape Town non-stop.

Southern Ocean Voyaging: 19,500 miles solo, 26,000 miles total